AYP and AEIS data play a big role in helping schools determine areas of weakness. By looking at the data, principals can analyze trends, relationships, and barriers. Once the data has been reviewed, campus improvement goals should be created. The goals should follow S.M.A.R.T. - specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely. Principals can analyze the data and focus on areas of weakness and guide the way to campus improvement by conducting meetings that allow staff to participate in the goal creating process and lead them to a better understanding of what needs to happen to ensure improvement.
In this week’s assignment, I reviewed my campus’s AEIS report. My campus achieved an Academically Acceptable rating for 2011. My campus is mostly Hispanics and Economically Disadvantaged and these are the two categories that we scored the lowest in as compared to the other subgroups. As a campus we took at decrease in every category and sub category from 2010 to 2011 causing our rating to drop from Recognized to Academically Acceptable. On a positive note, my campus received Gold Performance Acknowledgements for Attendance.
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