Sunday, March 18, 2012

EDLD 5326: Project Timeline


Present proposal
to create parental involvement committee to building principal

Administration, Team Leaders and Department Heads

Gather data and
research as to
projected results and
benefits of committee;

May 2012

Creation of subcommittee (Ad -hoc) involving teachers and community members (i.e. core parents and business partners)

Administration, Team Leaders and Department Heads

Brainstorm ideas of how to get parents involved and address disciple;  Preview discipline programs (i.e. PBIS and Love and Logic)
August 2012
Invitations to join the parental involvement committee will be sent home with every student in a flyer

Subcommittee (Ad-hoc)
Create and send flyers home inviting parents to join parental involvement committee
August 2012
Call parents to invite them to the meetings and explain the goal of the parental involvement committee to decrease discipline issues. 

Subcommittee (Ad-hoc)
Call parents to invite to join parental involvement committee that did not respond to flyers
September 2012
Needs assessment to operationalize
Discipline concerns from each stakeholders per

Subcommittee (Ad-hoc)
Develop needs assessment instrument and distribute it to stakeholders
November 2012

Establish positive
Parent, student, school

Administration, Teachers, Subcommittee (Ad-hoc), and Parental Involvement Committee
Develop parent, student, teacher activities and protocol such as parent teacher communications,
House, NCLB Parent
Consultations, PTO
meetings, Literacy Night, Math Night, Fall Festival, etc…

August 2012-May

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