I did not have the opportunity to particpate in the conference but I did have a chance to read the details of the conference and reflect.
Parental involvement has been deemed important to students’ academic achievement. Multiple researchers and institutions have proved this concept repeatedly. Almost any type of parental involvement will result in increased student achievement.
Parental involvement has been deemed important to students’ academic achievement. Multiple researchers and institutions have proved this concept repeatedly. Almost any type of parental involvement will result in increased student achievement.
The parental involvement committee creates activities and events that will motivate and encourage students to stay in school. It was also to get parents to be involved in their students’ education. According to Davenport (2010), students who have parents that are involved in their students’ education are more likely to:
· Earn higher grades and test scores, and enroll in higher-level program
· Be prompted, pass their classes and earn credits
· Attend school regularly
· Have better social skills, show improved behavior and adapt well to school
· Graduate and go to post-secondary education (p.3).
Research also suggests that when parents are involved in their children’ education, students have higher grades and test scores which leads to higher graduation rates. It also shows that students are more motivated to attend school; thus increasing school attendance rate (Michigan Department of Education, 2001, p.1).